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Date: 2020/08/17 17:54:53 UTC-07:00
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- title: Discord Command | `/webget <url> (args)`
  description: |-
    **Description**: Connects to a webpage or API and downloads its contents, to be used via the save argument and corresponding entry tags. Specifying flag arguments will return responses returned when querying.
    **Command Usage:** `/webget <url> (data:<data>) (method:<method>) (headers:<headers>) (timeout:<duration>) (-f/-s/-r/-t/-c)`
    **Aliases:** `(webget/wget)`
    **Misc Args**: `/webget help`

    **Available Arguments**:
  color: 16773376
  - name: "**`(data:<data>)`**"
    value: Specifies a set of data to send to the server (changes the default method
      from `get` to `post`).
    inline: true
  - name: "**`(method:<method>)`**"
    value: |-
      Specifies the HTTP method to use in your request.
      Available methods: `(get/post/head/options/put/delete/trace)`
    inline: true
  - name: "**`(headers:<headers>)`**"
    value: Submits HTTP header fields for the request and response messages. [Available
    inline: true
  - name: "**`(timeout:<time>)`**"
    value: Sets the duration this webget will wait before giving up.
    inline: true
  - name: "**`-f|-failed`**"
    value: Returns whether the webget failed.
    inline: true
  - name: "**`(-s|-status)`**"
    value: Returns the HTTP status code of the webget.
    inline: true
  - name: "**`(-r|-result)`**"
    value: Returns the result of the webget.
    inline: true
  - name: "**`(-t|-time|-timeout)`**"
    value: Returns the time that it took to process the request.
    inline: true
  - name: "**`(-c|-confirm)`**"
    value: Confirms a request before submitting. Useful for expected delays.
    inline: true
username: Discord Command Support